Mountain Housing Opportunities will be recognized for its 25 years of partnership with the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency at a plaque dedication ceremony on Friday, Nov. 18, in Weaverville. This partnership has brought an investment of more than $1 million from the Agency’s housing rehabilitation programs through Mountain Housing to help more than 500 local families stay in their homes.
The ceremony will take place at the home of Ms. Marjorie Brock, where Mountain Housing Opportunities used the Agency’s housing rehabilitation funds to replace the floors and plumbing in the kitchen and bathroom, allowing her to remain in her home and avoid costly institutionalization.
Date/Time/Location: 10 a.m., November 18, 2016; 23 Stoney Hollow Drive, Weaverville, NC
Onsite Contact: Troy Hershberger, N.C. Housing Finance Agency, 919-981-2647.
Mountain Housing Opportunities, founded in 1988, is a private, nonprofit community development corporation whose mission it is to build and improve homes, neighborhoods and communities and build hope and dignity in the people they serve. In its 26-year history, Mountain Housing Opportunities has served 4,800 households.
“We are proud to celebrate our long-standing partnership with Mountain Housing Opportunities and recognize its accomplishments serving western North Carolina families,” said A. Robert Kucab, executive director of the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency.
“With partners like this across the state, we are able to target the Agency’s home rehabilitation programs to citizens in need, allowing them to safely stay in their homes as long as possible. We sincerely thank Mountain Housing Opportunities for its partnership.”
The North Carolina Housing Finance Agency provides funding for housing rehabilitation for North Carolinians with low and moderate incomes statewide, including seniors, persons with disabilities and veterans, through local governments or nonprofit agencies such as Mountain Housing Opportunities.
The North Carolina Housing Finance Agency, a self-supporting public agency, has financed 242,000 homes and apartments since its creation in 1973.