Community Partners Loan Pool Assistance Increases

Hands holding a small wooden house

In response to escalating home sales prices in North Carolina, especially in our urban centers, the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency has increased the maximum Community Partners Loan Pool (CPLP) loan amount to 25% of the sales price or $40,000, whichever is less. This change went into effect May 2, 2022, and all CPLP reservations submitted on or after this date can request the higher loan amount.

CPLP assistance is structured as a 0% interest, deferred second mortgage. The term of the CPLP loan matches the term of the first mortgage. The CPLP Loan has no monthly payment and is typically repaid when the home is sold or at the end of the loan term. Borrowers may combine a CPLP loan with the NC 1st Home Advantage Down Payment or the NC Home Advantage Tax Credit, as well as with other down payment assistance loans or grants.

The Agency allocates funds to support the CPLP program on an annual basis. For 2022, the Agency has budgeted up to $10 million to assist CPLP eligible home buyers. These funds are available after January 1, 2022. 

To learn more, visit our CPLP webpage