Housing Research

Affordable housing continues to be a pressing need in each of NC counties and across the nation. Strong research and data are being compiled to address housing affordability and access. The North Carolina Housing Finance Agency brings this research to inform efforts in our state. Our Policy Matters blog reports on impacts and benefits and other white papers help frame affordable housing today and moving forward.

Benefits of Housing Reports

To make the strongest case possible for investments in affordable housing, the Agency leverages the latest research and studies on affordability benefits individuals and communities in ways other than just providing shelter. See the reports below to learn more about the benefits of affordable housing for the economy, education and health care. 

Affordable Housing Benefits Education     
Affordable Housing Benefits Health     
Affordable Housing Benefits The Economy     
Affordable Housing Benefits Communities     
Affordable Housing Benefits Children

Long-Term Program Impact Assessments

The Agency also conducts periodic impact assessments on our programs that build on existing research to estimate the specific economic benefits, cost savings and social outcomes of Agency investments. 

Home Ownership     
The Impacts of Community-based Affordable Homeownership Programs     
Affordable Mortgage Products: Engines of Upward Mobility

Home Owner Rehab and Repair     
North Carolina's Urgent Repair Program: 25 Years of Housing Results     
Urgent Home Repair: Quality of Life and Cost Impacts

Rental Housing     
The Impact of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit in North Carolina     
The Role of the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit in Preserving Affordability     
Property Manager Survey Analysis: Back@Home Florence/Dorian     
The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit and Neighborhood Property Values in North Carolina

Health and Housing

The Health Cost Savings of Quality Affordable Housing

Health Through Housing Investments and Impacts
The Agency’s statewide investments save public health care dollars by providing healthier homes with better access to care. Our Health Through Housing series shows how housing affordability, stability, quality and accessibility affect health care outcomes and costs as well as the potential returns on investments in rehabilitation and repair, rental assistance and supportive housing development.

Housing Investments Impacting Health Outcomes

                Rehabilitation and Repair

                Rental Assistance

                Supportive Housing Development